A-half a century of managerial effectiveness

The beginning
After a successful career in academia, Dr. Bill Reddin, father of the theory of 3-D effectiveness, founded the firm Reddin & Associates that years later would be in operation in 25 countries and whose mission was to disseminate the model of effectiveness in the world.

Expansion to Latin America
After a successful career in the corporate world, Alejandro Serralde Solórzano, guided by Dr. Bill Reddin, founded the firm in Mexico.

Intellectual property
Alejandro Serralde Solórzano acquired all rights and intellectual property of the Reddin Methodology for Mexico and years later for all Spanish-speaking countries.

Global integration
The firm integrates Reddin consultants with current operations in the world and promotes concentrated action in the American, European and African continents.

A-half a century
The firm, with 50 years of international operation, celebrates its 3,000th client, its 100,000th participant and manages to evaluate more than 1,000,000 people around the world.

Our team

Alejandro Serralde
Managing Director
Alejandro Serralde
CX Manager
Iván Ocampo
Senior Associate Consultant
Sandra Hurtado
Client Success Coordinator
Iván Aguilar
Senior Associate Consultant
Diana Gutierrez
Associate Consultant
Paola Sáenz
Client Success Consultant
Ricardo Martínez
CX Administrator
Marien Estrada
Business Development Coordinator
Nicol Camila Mesa
Senior Software Engineer
Roberto Renz
Finance Manager
Alberto Serralde
Juan Pablo Martinez-Blat
Managing Director - Spain
Efrén Martín
Robin Stuart-Kotze
Petra Hendriksen
Allison Christilaw
William James Reddin was a prominent psychologist and management theorist born in England in 1930. He studied in the United States and obtained several postgraduate degrees at institutions such as Harvard University and MIT. His most significant contribution was the creation of the “3D Model”, which focused on managerial effectiveness and data-driven decision making. His pragmatic approach focused on achieving results and linked management by objectives with behavioral sciences, making him an influential author in the field of management. Throughout his career, Reddin developed a methodology for implementing his theory, helping organizations improve management and management development.
Reddin’s 3-D Theory is based on research that revealed that work behavior is made up of two fundamental elements: the task and relationships with others. Four basic behavioral styles were identified: integrated style (balance between task and relationships), dedicated style (mainly task-oriented), related style (focused on relationships), and separate style (limited in both aspects). The effectiveness of these styles depends on the situation, leading to eight applied styles. These eight styles are ranked based on how they are used appropriately or inappropriately in specific situations. 3-D Theory provides a tool to understand and differentiate work behaviors based on their focus and effectiveness in various circumstances.
Effectiveness is defined as the degree to which a person achieves the expected objectives of his or her position, focusing on the outcome rather than the inputs.
We are fortunate to have two Alejandro Serraldes.
The first, Alejandro Serralde Solórzano, graduated from UNAM as a Chemical Engineer. He worked for 10 years in the industry holding different management positions in line positions. In parallel with his managerial performance, he received training in the fields of management development and organizational development. In 1974 he began a training process under the direction of Dr. William J. Reddin, until he became a senior consultant attached to the firm in London. Since then, he has had specific responsibility for the dissemination of the methodology in Mexico and Spanish-speaking countries. Alejandro Serralde Solórzano currently continues as President of the Reddin Organization. Know more.
Alejandro Serralde Rodríguez is a Mexican-Australian entrepreneur, noted as one of the modern pioneers in management tools and practices for success. After graduating with honors, he ventured into the corporate world, where he quickly rose through the ranks and contributed to transformational projects at major financial institutions. However, his true passion lay in understanding the human factor in organizational effectiveness. This pursuit led him to found Reddin Assessments and focus on the connection between solid behavioral data and effective business practices. In his current role as managing director, Alejandro has stood out for designing agile and applicable leadership assessments. Know more.
Our specialty excels by masterfully fusing managerial and organizational effectiveness with a situational leadership approach. We are unique in our ability to apply 3D Theory, along with proven methodologies such as Field Theory and Management by Objectives (MBO). This unique combination allows us to provide customized solutions that address leadership challenges and improve effectiveness across the organization.
We have had the privilege of collaborating with a wide range of companies, covering virtually all sectors and sizes. However, our impact stands out especially in those organizations that recognize that their employees are the key to standing out in a competitive market. We work hand in hand with companies that seek to make the most of the potential of their team and turn it into their distinctive advantage.

Alejandro Serralde Solórzano

Alejandro Serralde Rodríguez
Managing Director

Robin Stuart-Kotze
He is an eminent author, researcher and developer of organizational diagnostics. He is the author and co-author of 10 books. Two of them he wrote with W.J. Reddin and two others with Alejandro Serralde Jr.
He was President of BGH Central Atlantic, Vice President of Central Corporation and Director of Development of Regina-Hill Group. In 1974 he founded Behavioral Science Systems.
He has a Ph.D. in Organizational Psychology from the University of Warwick.
He lives in Clonakilky, Ireland.

Allison Christilaw
His consultative, business and change agent career are summarized in pure leadership.
With more than 25 years of global experience, she has led glamorous consulting firms and built successful teams in the United States and Canada.
Today she is part of numerous boards of directors.
She has an MBA from the University of Western Ontario.
She lives in Toronto, Canada.

Juan Pablo Martínez-Blat
He is an expert consultant in family businesses and the design of corporate governance structures.
He is a founding partner of SAAGA, a firm dedicated to the design and operation of Single Family Offices (SFO), which has been operating for more than 20 years.
He has contributed to the design of interventions to improve family-business dynamics.
He has an MBA from IESE in a dual program with the University of Chapel Hill.
He lives in Miami, United States.

Petra Hendriksen
She has an amazing track record as a change agent and over 25 years working in management roles at British Telecom, EY and Capgemini, where she has been involved in ambitious transformation projects. In 2020, she decided to join the Reddin firm for Europe and Africa, which she founded in 1985 with her father, Hein Hendriksen. Q She has an MBA from Utrecht University. She lives in Leusden-Zuid, Netherlands.

Roberto Renz
Senior Software Engineer
He has almost 4 decades of experience, of which 3 have been with Reddin Assessments. Throughout this journey, he has contributed to the firm with the development of technology to be able to bring the Reddin methodology to hundreds of thousands. Technology has been linked to evaluating real effectiveness (results) and also behavioral effectiveness (how the result was achieved). The number of applications developed is enormous. Today he leads a team of engineers to develop new technologies to facilitate the incorporation of effectiveness principles. He lives in Colorado Springs, United States.

Iván Ocampo
CX Manager
His career at Reddin Assessments has made him the most flexible talent and a success story at the firm given his perseverance and continued effectiveness.
He has experience in business development and marketing, organizational development, talent management and has participated in transformation projects in various sectors.
Currently, he leads the Client Experience team and is an expert in talent diagnosis and organizational development programs for Mexico, Central America and South America.
Additionally, he is an instructor for various management skills development programs.
He has an MBA from the University of Illinois.

Iván Aguilar
Client Success Coordinator
He has more than five years of experience in database management and analysis, which has been key in generating statistical reports to understand features of the organizational culture.
His passion for methodology, statistics and knowing the triggers of behavior have led him to specialize in climate tools and effectiveness orientation.
He has had a career at Reddin Assessments that has led him to functions including: development of new markets, attention to special accounts for Mexico and Central America.
He is an instructor for our Reddin Assessments platform.

Sandra Hurtado
Senior Associate Consultant
She is an instructor for various programs in Mexico and Central America, this has allowed her to help organizations improve their talent decisions, improving organizational development and selection processes, using Reddin Assessments technology.
She is a Systems Engineering graduate and Certified as a Project Manager.
She lives in Mexico and has coverage throughout Central America.

Marién Estrada
CX Administrator
She has 10 years of experience in data processing, systems testing and technology tools. She joined Reddin Assessments in 2019, making successful business connections with clients in Mexico and Central America. In addition, she has developed experience in diagnostic and talent management tools, which has led her to have excellent statistical management of information, helping organizations make better decisions about talent. She lives in Mexico and has coverage throughout Central America.

Paola Sáenz
Associate Consultant
She has a decade of experience in organizational development and recruiting in virtually every industry.
Her contribution to the development of skills at the executive level has led her to participate in numerous assessment center processes in Colombia and Mexico.
She also facilitates behavior change processes for senior executives.
She is a Psychologist from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana.
She lives in Cuernavaca and has coverage for Mexico.

Ricardo Martínez
Client Success Consultant
He studied business with a specialization in marketing from the Nueva Granada Military University and has worked with educational institutions that promote the development of managerial and commercial skills in Colombia and Mexico.
In almost a decade, his consulting experience has allowed us to improve team effectiveness, optimize human resources processes and use data analytics to make better decisions regarding talent.
He is passionate about the Reddin model and technology applied to human groups. He instructs specialization programs for users of the tools in Mexico and Colombia.
He lives in Cuernavaca and has coverage for Mexico.

Diana Gutiérrez
Senior Associate Consultant
She has been an instructor of numerous transformation programs in the Andean Region in which her vocation towards social well-being and human development has impacted thousands of people.
She works with clients in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador, managing key accounts and developing new businesses.
She lives in Colombia and has coverage throughout the Andean region.

Nicol Mesa
Business Development Coordinator
Graduated from the Francisco José de Caldas District University of Colombia, with an advanced accounting and business simulation course; She did her internship at Reddin Assessments supporting the support team in Andean Countries and after her internship finished, she is part of the Andean region team.
Today she works with clients in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador, providing support in carrying out statistical analyzes of managerial behavior and works with the market development team with commercial support support.
She lives in Colombia and has coverage throughout the Andean region.

Efrén Martín
Socio Director – España
He has been a consultant for ambitious organizational transformation projects through the Reddin methodology.
With an impeccable track record of more than 3 decades, he is considered an expert in executive selection and in the design of management systems that facilitate more effective behavior. He has a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management.
He lives in Bilbao and has coverage throughout Spain.

Alberto Serralde
Finance Manager
After a journey of many years in various positions, he decided to turn his career around and found a passion for Finance, Taxes and Accounting to, thereby, contribute to the global growth of the global business.